
制药网供应网 原料药机械及设备 粉碎设备 破碎机pc-350x200-小型锤式破碎机


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  • 所在地
  • 河南省
  • 河南郑州市








Hammer crusher, heavy-duty hammer crusher, hammer crusher model, small hammer crusher==Henan Ruilang Machinery

Hammer crushers are mainly used to crush general brittle ores such as limestone, coal, argillaceous sandstone, shale, gypsum, etc. This series of crushers is a specialized crusher for cement production, suitable for crushing limestone (mudstone) and clay mixtures, and can also be used for coal block crushing.

The hammer crusher is suitable for crushing raw materials such as limestone, mudstone, sandstone, shale, gypsum, coal, etc. with compressive strength<150MPa. This crusher can crush large ore blocks from the mining site to the required particle size for grinding in one go, replacing traditional two-stage crushing, simplifying the process flow, saving infrastructure investment and production costs.

Mainly used for crushing general brittle ores such as limestone, argillaceous sandstone, shale, gypsum, and coal, this series of crushers is a specialized crusher for cement production, and is also suitable for crushing limestone (mudstone) and clay mixtures. Due to the reasonable design of the crusher rotor size and appropriate body, the selection specifications of supporting equipment such as cranes and plate feeders are relatively small, thereby saving the equipment investment and infrastructure investment of the entire system. Therefore, as long as the physical properties of the ore are suitable, choosing a hammer crusher as the crushing equipment for large-scale mines is a relatively economical and reliable solution.

This crusher has the characteristics of large feed particle size and high crushing ratio. It can crush large pieces of raw ore to the appropriate particle size for grinding at once, simplifying the production system that used to require multi-stage crushing into one stage crushing. Compared with the traditional two-stage crushing system, it can save 45% of one-time investment, reduce workshop equipment weight by 32.5%, and reduce ore crushing costs by 40%. The operation is simple, maintenance is convenient, and the labor intensity of workers is improved. Therefore, as long as the physical properties of the ore are suitable, using this machine as a crushing equipment for large-scale mines is a relatively economical and reliable solution.

As the main raw material crushing equipment in cement plants, the hammer crusher is more suitable for working conditions with high rainfall, wet materials, and high soil content compared to single rotor single-stage crushing equipment. Due to its special structure, it eliminates the risk of blockage and adhesion when crushing sticky materials. It also has a special double iron protection device, which can automatically bounce back metal foreign objects such as shovel teeth, drill bits, and hammers that accidentally mix into the machine to the feeding roller or discharge outside the machine without stopping the machine. Compared with single rotor single-stage hammer crushers with the same production capacity, the equipment is lighter in weight. Due to the fact that two rotors can suspend more hammer heads, there is a greater amount of wear metal available for use, resulting in a longer lifespan of the hammer heads.










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