(CJJ series · All ceramic non-contamination mechanical pulverizer)
working principle:
After the material is quantitatively added to the crushing cavity, the airflow vortex generated by the high-speed rotating crushing disk will bring the material into the gap between the crushing disk and the ring gear. The crushing blade is installed on the crushing disk, and the blade and the gear ring are sheared at high speed. The material changes from coarse to fine, and then enters the built-in classification chamber under the effect of negative pressure, and is screened by the high-speed classifying rotor. The qualified fine powder will pass through the classifying rotor and then enter the downstream dust collection equipment (cyclone separator, bag filter, etc.) through the pipeline, those particle size which still does not reach the standard will be impacted and broken again.
1. Combining the effects of "mechanical impact" and "airflow vortex", compared with airflow crushing, the crushing strength is moderate, over crushing is not easy to occur, and energy consumption is greatly reduced;
2. The integrated design of crushing and grading, high-speed classifying rotor combined with special sealing structure, the product discharge particle size is uniform and controllable, the distribution range is narrow and no large particles are mixed;
3. All engineering ceramics in the cavity of the main unit are in contact with the material to protect it, so as to meet the requirements of most high-tech materials to avoid metal impurity contamination. The key parts include the feeding mechanism, ring gear, crushing knife, classifying rotor, sealing mechanism, discharging mechanism, etc., especially The all-ceramic high-speed classifying rotor belongs to our company's patented product. It is formed by one-piece processing, with high linear speed and accurate and controllable grading granularity.
4. It is suitable for crushing materials with hardness below 5 and sensitive to excessively fine powder. It can also be used for disintegration and disaggregation of materials after sintering or drying, with low energy consumption and high production capacity; widely used in positive and negative materials of lithium batteries , High-tech ceramic materials, electronic materials and other fields.
5. According to the characteristics of the material, it can realize the low dew point closed-circuit crushing; flexibly choose the appropriate combination of blade and gear ring crushing combination to achieve different crushing requirements such as ultra-fine and spherical; can be used in combination with the turbine classifier Adjust the particle size distribution again.
6. Match the whole process automated production line, no dust leakage, green environmental protection; low labor intensity; intelligent online and remote control;
技术参数表(Technical Data Sheet)
Note: The specific configuration and processing effect need to be confirmed according to material properties and processing requirements, and youcan communicate with our engineers or come to do materials processing test first.
实物图片(Physical picture)
参考工艺流程图(Reference process flow chart)
Group Standard "All-ceramic No Metal Contamination Mechanical Ultra-micro Crusher"标准编号:T/JSP2-2019
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