疾病 | 症状 | 感染的机制 |
后天获得的弓形体病 | 免疫活性的患者:
| 摄入肉或内脏组织囊肿感染 |
重新激活弓形体病 | 免疫功能低下的患者:
| 卵囊在猫科动物粪便污染的食物或水 |
先天性弓形体病 | 先天感染新生儿:
| 先天性传播:如果怀孕期间发生感染的急性期,这种寄生虫可以穿过胎盘和胎儿感染 |
NovaLisa®刚地弓形虫免疫球蛋白g ELISA:
的NovaLisa®刚地弓形虫免疫球蛋白g ELISA定量测定的目的是IgG-class刚地弓形虫抗体在人类血清或血浆(柠檬酸)。
NovaLisa®刚地弓形虫IgMµ-capture ELISA:
的NovaLisa®刚地弓形虫IgMµ-capture ELISA用于定性测定IgM-class刚地弓形虫抗体在人类血清或血浆(柠檬酸)。
| Intraassay | Interasay | 灵敏度% | 特异性% | ||||
| n | 的意思是 | CV % | n | 的意思是 | CV % |
免疫球蛋白 | 6 | 0.978 | 5.7 | 4 | 0.752 | 7.1 | 96.6 | 98.2 |
6 | 1.647 | 5.3 | 4 | 1.26 | 10.1 | |||
6 | 2.496 | 6.2 | 4 | 1.98 | 6.3 | |||
IgM | 24 | 1.563 | 2.9 | 12 | 7.08 | 6.5 | 95.8 | > 98 |
24 | 0.304 | 1.5 | 12 | 16.68 | 4.5 |
的NovaLisa®刚地弓形虫免疫球蛋白g贪欲测试是一种额外的试剂盒与NovaLisa结合使用®刚地弓形虫免疫球蛋白g ELISA。
| 定义样本 |
| |||
急感染 | 过去的感染 | 总 | 协议 | ||
NovaLisa®刚地弓形虫免疫球蛋白g贪欲测试 | 急感染 | 36 | 1 | 37 | 94.7 |
过去的感染 | 2 | 47 | 49 | 97.9 | |
总 | 38 | 48 | 86年 | 96.5 |
ELISA | 的数量决定 | 产品编号 |
弓形虫免疫球蛋白 | 96年 | TOXG0460 |
弓形虫IgMµ-capture | 96年 | TOXM0460 |
弓形虫免疫球蛋白g贪欲测试* | 96年 | TOXGA460 |
* NovaLisa®刚地弓形虫免疫球蛋白g贪欲测试是一种额外的试剂,用于结合NovaLisa®弓形虫刚免疫球蛋白ELISA。
【公司名称】 广州健仑生物科技有限公司
【电子邮件】 Service@jianlun.com
【腾讯 】
【公司地址】 广州市清华科技园创新基地番禺石楼镇创启路63号二期2幢首层
Toxoplasma gondii 2nd Generation
Toxoplasma gondii is a ubiquitous protozoon that has a worldwide distribution. This obligate intracellular parasite can infect humans as well as virtually all warm-blooded animals, including mammals and birds. The life cycle of T. gondii is facultatively heteroxenous. Intermediate hosts are probably all warm-blooded animals including most livestock, and humans. Definitive hosts are members of the family Felidae, for example domestic cats.
There are three infectious stages in the life cycle of T. gondii, i.e. tachyzoites, bradyzoites (in tissue cysts), and sporozoites (in sporulated oocysts). All three stages are infectious for both intermediate and definitive hosts.
T. gondii infections may be acquired mainly via one of the following routes: by oral ingestion of infectious oocysts from the environment, by oral ingestion of tissue cysts contained in raw or undercooked meat of intermediate hosts, or by transplacental transmission of tachyzoites.
While infection with T. gondii in humans is very common, clinical disease is largely confined to risk groups. Most T. gondii infections in immunocompetent humans are asymptomatic.
However, if first contracted during pregnancy, T. gondii may be transmitted to the foetus. Congenital toxoplasmosis may cause abortion, neonatal death, or foetal abnormalities with detrimental consequences for the foetus. If not treated, the risk of intrauterine infection of the foetus increases during pregnancy.
Disease | Symptoms | Mechanism of Infection |
Postnatally acquired toxoplasmosis | Immunocompetent patients:
| Ingestion of tissue cysts in infected meat or viscera
Reactivated toxoplasmosis | Immunocompromised patients:
| Oocysts in food or water contaminated with feline faeces |
Congenital toxoplasmosis | Congenitally infected newborns:
| Congenital transmission: if the acute phase of the infection occurs during pregnancy, the parasite can cross the placenta and infect the fetus |
Infections may be diagnosed by:
NovaLisa® Toxoplasma gondii IgG ELISA:
The NovaLisa® Toxoplasma gondii IgG ELISA is intended for the quantitative determination of IgG-class antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii in human serum or plasma (citrate).
NovaLisa® Toxoplasma gondii IgM µ-capture ELISA:
The NovaLisa® Toxoplasma gondii IgM µ-capture ELISA is intended for the qualitative determination of IgM-class antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii in human serum or plasma (citrate).
Toxoplasma gondii lysate (IgG) and Toxoplasma gondii chimeric antigens (IgM)
Specific performance characteristics:
| Intraassay | Interasay | Sensitivity% | Specificity% | ||||
| n | Mean | CV% | n | Mean | CV% |
IgG | 6 | 0.978 | 5.7 | 4 | 0.752 | 7.1 | 96.6 | 98.2 |
6 | 1.647 | 5.3 | 4 | 1.26 | 10.1 | |||
6 | 2.496 | 6.2 | 4 | 1.98 | 6.3 | |||
IgM | 24 | 1.563 | 2.9 | 12 | 7.08 | 6.5 | 95.8 | >98 |
24 | 0.304 | 1.5 | 12 | 16.68 | 4.5 |
NovaLisa® Toxoplasma gondii IgG Avidity Test*:
The avidity determination is a diagnostic method which is used to differentiate a recent (acute) and a more distant (past) infection with Toxoplasma gondii in patient sera. Avidity is the binding force of the antibody (serum specimen) with the corresponding antigen.
The determination of IgG avidity relies on the progressive increase of the affinity of an antibody for its target antigen during the course of natural immunity following an infections. Measuring the strength of the antibody binding is a way to confirm or rule out a recent infection. Low-avidity antibodies from a recent acquired Toxoplama gondii infection can be differentiated from high-avidity antibodies, which is an indicative of past infection.
In other words, low avid IgG antibodies in the early stage of infection can be differentiated from high avid antibodies associated with a past infection.
The determination of IgG antibody avidity is an additional analysis to the classic serology in regards to the status of a Toxoplasma gondii infection.
The NovaLisa® Toxoplasma gondii IgG Avidity Test is an additional reagent-kit that has to be used in combination with NovaLisa® Toxoplasma gondii IgG ELISA.
Performance Characteristics:
The NovaLisa® Toxoplasma gondii IgG Avidity Test has been evaluated for use in Toxoplasmosis with samples of acute and past infections. A total number of 86 defined patient samples were tested. These samples were supplied by the Institute of Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology, University Bonn.
| Defined Samples |
| |||
Acute Infection | Past Infection | Total | Agreement | ||
NovaLisa® Toxoplasma gondii IgG Avidity Test | Acute Infection | 36 | 1 | 37 | 94.7 |
Past Infection | 2 | 47 | 49 | 97.9 | |
Total | 38 | 48 | 86 | 96.5 |
Order information:
ELISA | Number of Determinations | Product Number |
Toxoplasma IgG | 96 | TOXG0460 |
Toxoplasma IgM µ-capture | 96 | TOXM0460 |
Toxoplasma IgG Avidity Test* | 96 | TOXGA460 |
* The NovaLisa® Toxoplasma gondii IgG Avidity Test is an additional reagent that has to be used in combination with the NovaLisa® Toxoplama gondii IgG ELISA.
With Liquickeck® ToRCH Plus Control (Bio-Rad) an external control is available for the NovaLisa® Toxoplasma gondii IgG
食用菌加湿器 小型球磨机 液体搅拌机 中草药粉碎机 药品包装机 硅橡胶捏合机 除湿干燥机 酸碱储罐 全自动煎药机 医用臭氧发生器 三相卧螺离心机 圆瓶贴标机 肝素钠原料药 冷冻干燥设备 全自动压滤机 小型贴标机 单效蒸发器 电热水锅炉 气流干燥机 气流喷雾干燥机 润滑油过滤器 中药材粉碎机 生物试剂网 质谱仪 手摇制丸机 卧式储罐 不锈钢压滤机 小型压滤机 微孔过滤器 微波干燥设备 微粒检测仪 气动振动器 水泥包装机 卧螺沉降离心机 瓶盖扭矩测试仪 袋泡茶包装机 中药超细磨粉机 分离机 测距仪 乳化泵 集菌仪 自动筛选机 双轴搅拌机 小型超微粉碎机 化工储罐 电热锅炉 陶瓷过滤机 移动螺旋输送机 小型砂浆搅拌机 药品检测仪器 装箱机 制冷压缩机 粉末混合机 钢衬塑储罐 小型中药粉碎机 药物中间体 离子交换设备 管道除湿机 不锈钢截止阀 锤式粉碎机 尿碘消解仪 石墨换热器 红外测温仪 卧式干粉混合机 食品搅拌机 不锈钢搅拌机 液氧储罐 紫外线灭菌器 蒸汽消音器 蒸汽消声器 小型蒸汽锅炉 不锈钢安全阀 膏体灌装机 风选设备 打码机种类 瓶盖扭力测试仪 大型臭氧发生器 二手反应釜 三轴搅拌桩机 小型电热烘箱 低温截止阀 立式储罐 立式混合机 三轴水泥搅拌桩 调温除湿机 卧式离心机 球磨机小型 吸塑包装机 药材烘干机 板框过滤机 地下室除湿机 多效蒸发器 管壳式换热器 犁刀混合机 检测仪器网 生物显微镜 环保蒸汽锅炉 低温冷冻机 干粉搅拌机 列管式换热器 小型搅拌搅拌机 二手反应釜 高压灭菌锅 压力安全阀 真空热水锅炉 污泥压滤机 吊顶除湿机 节能球磨机 汽车高压清洗机 水热反应釜 振动筛选机 制水设备 溶出度仪 余氯分析仪 激光印字机 不锈钢储罐 不锈钢贮罐 家用电锅炉 加氢反应釜 饮料灌装机 喷雾干燥器 粉体混合机 小型泥浆搅拌机 机械搅拌器 水泥砂浆搅拌机 高速混合机 蒸馏设备 煎炸油过滤机 容积式换热器 小型冷库 小冷却塔 干燥设备网 厢式压滤机 箱式压滤机 家用粉碎机 紫外线消毒器 小蒸汽锅炉 自力式减压阀 仓壁振动器 干燥剂包装机 蒸汽换热器